Friday 8 November 2013

Still rambling along..

I've been off college for the past few days (I never thought the day would come when I'd rather be at college than at home!) due to a realllllly inconvenient allergic reaction that's done a bitch of a number on my skin. Oh, god: it burns. I've been trying to keep busy so as not to literally scratch my own skin off  and keep up with college work -  but mainly the former. 

My workspace... clutter everywhere! The coffee cup is the epicentre of the madness, I think.

Some ideas and references for my college project. It probably doesn't make a helluva lot of sense if you're not me, but I'm rather fond of it! I really like having a tangible copy of my ideas all in one place - especially if I'm having to make something. It's a pain in the arse having to google search everything ever time I need a reference, ugh.

Also been trying to crack on with this.. I need some more recent pieces for my portfolio. It's going reaaaaally slow - mainly, I think, because I'm so ridiculously fussy over everything. Bleh. :(

On a non-work related note, I've been listening to some awesome mixes on 8tracks while I'm getting stuff sorted (like the good girl I am) - they've kept me on 'track', so to speak! 

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