Saturday 8 February 2014

Newfound obsession with flavoured teas..

So, it's been a while since I updated this thing - and with good reason! Life has been pretty hectic in the past month or so: I've been trying to sort out my portfolio for uni interviews to the point where I'm actually happy with it (hasn't yet been achieved but I believe I'm getting there steadily) and working with my current college briefs - a rethinking of an advertising campaign for the national trust, and illustrating a young adult fantasy novel in my own style. Bit crazy to say the least!

I've also discovered a great love of flavoured teas after popping into Holland and Barrett for some Aloe Vera gel and instead finding a two for £2 offer on Heath & Heather infusions. Nick and I bought the peppermint, the green rooibos and honey, and the nettle infusion - and so far they're yummy! Mmm. I'm loving the tang of the peppermint after you take a sip - it's great as an after-dinner mint!

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